Recognizing and treating victims of domestic violence in health care settings: Guidelines and training for health professionals
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Lilijana Šprah, PhD-
Original Title
Prepoznava in obravnava žrtev nasilja v družini v okviru zdravstvene dejavnosti: smernice in izobraževanja za zdravstvene delavce
Project Team
Duška Knežević Hočevar, PhD, Sanja Cukut Krilić, PhD, Urška Smrke, Mojca Vah Jevšnik, PhD , Anja Serec Hodžar, MA, Karmen Urška Modic, Karmen Urška Modic, Jana Šimenc, PhD, Jana Šimenc, PhD, Špela Ledinek Lozej, PhD, Snežana Kragelj, Adil Huselja-
12 February 2015–30 June 2016 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Lilijana Šprah, PhD
Financial Source
Program Norveškega finančnega mehanizma 2009 - 2014
Medical Chamber of Slovenia, Centre for Social Work Maribor, EMMA Institution, the Centre for helping victims of violence, St. Olavs University Hospital, Forensic department Brøset, Centre for research …
The lack of systemic and binding procedures for recognition and treatment of domestic violence victims within healthcare service in Slovenia is evident also from poorer identification of domestic violence, inconsistent reporting of violence by health workers and their weak inter-sectoral cooperation. The main objectives of the project address preparation of educational material for health workers, improving their competencies and response to domestic violence particularly when treating vulnerable groups (migrants, Roma, unemployed, the elderly and rural population), encouraging and promoting inter-sectoral cooperation and analysing good practices of responding to domestic violence in Norway.
Educational trainings for 1600 healthcare workers across all Slovenian regions will be carried out. Educational materials and tools will be prepared in order to promote and ensure improved recognition and more efficient treatment of domestic violence victims in healthcare settings.