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Recognizing and treating victims of domestic violence in health care settings: Guidelines and training for health professionals


The lack of systemic and binding procedures for recognition and treatment of domestic violence victims within healthcare service in Slovenia is evident also from poorer identification of domestic violence, inconsistent reporting of violence by health workers and their weak inter-sectoral cooperation. The main objectives of the project address preparation of educational material for health workers, improving their competencies and response to domestic violence particularly when treating vulnerable groups (migrants, Roma, unemployed, the elderly and rural population), encouraging and promoting inter-sectoral cooperation and analysing good practices of responding to domestic violence in Norway.

Educational trainings for 1600 healthcare workers across all Slovenian regions will be carried out. Educational materials and tools will be prepared in order to promote and ensure improved recognition and more efficient treatment of domestic violence victims in healthcare settings.








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Research Project

health care
žrtve nasilja v družini

Research Fields
Psihologija S260
Psihopatologija B650
Splošne biomedicinske vede B001
Medicina (človek in vretenčarji) B007
Psihiatrija, klinična psihologija, psihosomatika B650
Splošna medicina, zdravniško izobraževanje B720