
B.Sc. in sociology, PhD in sociology.
- migration and mental health
- gender and migration, female migration
- care work and migration, migration and ageing
- domestic violence and vulnerable groups, gender-based violence
- labour mobility within the EU, posted workers
- situating migration and fertility in population processes, migration statistics
Research projects:
As leader:
2022-2026: TraFaDy – Transnational family dynamics in Europe (Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU)
2021-2024: Mental health difficulties among migrants: experiences of recognition and treatment
2009-2010, 2012: Social constructions of migrant statuses and their impact on the processes of selection and integration of migrants
As collaborator:
2023-2028: Studies on Distress and Being Well
2023-2026: SafeHabitus
2023-2025: Opismenjevanje o motnjah razpoloženja in pridruženih motnja
2021: Enhancing the collection and analysis of national data on intra-EU posting
2021: Secure Mobility: Uncovering Gaps in the Social Protection of Posted Workers
2020-2022: Literacy about mood disorders and personality disorders
2019-2020: Con3Post: Posting of Third Country Nationals. Mapping the Trend in the Construction Sector
2018-2019: EEPOW (Posting of Workers in Eastern Europe)
2017-2019: DRIM (Danube Region Information Platform for Economic Integration of Migrants)
2014-2017: Gendering the Academy and Research: Combating Career Instability and Asymmetries (GARCIA)
2014-2015: Collective memory and cultural dynamics
2012-2014: Managing Migration and its Effects in SEE - Transnational Actions Towards Evidence Based Strategies
2006-2007: Needs for Female Immigrants and their Integration in Ageing Societies
2004-2007: Social background of low-fertility amongst the university-educated in Slovenia
2002-2004: Fertility and suicide in Slovenia: multidisciplinary aspects
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja, ZAVRATNIK, Simona. Structural vulnerabilities and (im)mobilities amidst the Covid-19 pandemic: people on the move along the Balkan Route, posted and agricultural workers. Central and Eastern European migration review. 18. Apr. 2023, pp 1-17. http://ceemr.uw.edu.pl/
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja, KNEŽEVIĆ HOČEVAR, Duška. Strukturne ranljivosti delavcev migrantov v kmetijstvu (Structural vulnerabilities of migrant farmworkers). Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva.2022, 62, no. 2, pp. 70-80 https://www.dlib.si/
ZAVRATNIK, Simona, CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Migracije v času pandemije covid-19: meje mobilnosti in družbene neenakosti (Migration in the time of the covid-19 pandemic: limits of mobility and social inequalities). Teorija in praksa: revija za družbena vprašanja. 2021, letn. 58, št. 1, str. 72-87, 228. ISSN 0040-3598. https://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/docs/default-source/tip/migracije-v-%C4%8Dasu-pandemije-covid-19-meje-mobilnosti-in-dru%C5%BEbene-neenakosti.pdf?sfvrsn=0 DOI: 10.51936/tip.58.1.72-87.
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Female migrants at the doors of fortress Europe: the case of Slovenia. V: MISRA, Roli (ed.). Migration, trafficking and gender construction: women in transition. New Delhi: SAGE Publications India, 2020. ISBN 978-93-81345-49-8, ISBN 93-81345-49-X, ISBN 978-93-81345-48-1, ISBN 93-81345-48-1. https://evidya.sagepub.in/evidya/store?search=true&searchString=Migration,%20Trafficking%20and%20Gender%20Construction.
ZAVRATNIK Simona & CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja (2018). Addressing intersectional vulnerabilities in contemporary refugee movements in Europe. Družboslovne razprave, 34(87), 85–106. https://www.academia.edu/36982563/ADDRESSING_INTERSECTIONAL_VULNERABILITIES_IN_CONTEMPORARY_REFUGEE_MOVEMENTS_IN_EUROPE
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Znanstvene kariere v Sloveniji: nekaj razmislekov o enakosti spolov v politikah in praksah (Gendering academic careers in Slovenia: some reflections on policies and practices). V: HOFMAN, Ana (ur.), et al. Znanost (brez) mladih: zgodnje stopnje znanstvene kariere v Sloveniji skozi perspektivo spola. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. 2017, str. 33-49. https://ikss.zrc-sazu.si/sites/default/files/attachments/znanost_brez_mladih_web.pdf
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. ''When we talk about the Roma, it is a completely different culture'': on domestic violence in Roma families. Socialno delo, feb.-apr. 2016, year 55, no. 1/2, pp. 55-65. (original scientific article) https://www.dlib.si/stream/URN:NBN:SI:doc-1AZJUP6F/d420df01-781d-4a65-995c-aa34deff81d3/PDF
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Obravnava staranja v migracijskih študijah in socialni gerontologiji (Thematisation of ageing in migration studies and social gerontology). Dve domovini, 2013, No. 38, pp. 99-111. (review article) https://www.dlib.si/stream/URN:NBN:SI:doc-BY3ZRW3D/8ca9eda3-a1c8-4da3-99b2-2d1f573bf217/PDF
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. The role of ethnicity in qualitative migration research. Migracijske i etničke teme, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 161-175. (preliminary communication) http://dmi.zrc-sazu.si/sites/default/files/the_role_of_ethnicity_in_qualitative_migration_research.pdf
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja, Spol in migracija: izkušnje žensk kot akterk migracij / Gender and migration: experiences of women as actors in migration (Migracije, Migrantke, 30 [i. e. 20], 3). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2009. 187 str. (scientific monograph) https://www.dlib.si/stream/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-J6KP3MUC/88556826-e28f-45ab-8f2e-801495b97157/PDF
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Izkušnje migrantk v Sloveniji pred in po njeni osamosvojitvi / Experiences of female migrants in Slovenia before and after its independence. Dve domovini, 2008, [no.] 28, pp. 73-92. (original scientific article) http://dmi.zrc-sazu.si/sites/default/files/dd_th_28.pdf
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Ženske kot akterke migracijskih procesov: prisilne priseljenke iz Bosne in Hercegovine v Sloveniji / Women as actors in migration processes: forcibly displaced women from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia. Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva, 2008, 48, no. 3/4, pp. 71-78. (original scientific article) http://dmi.zrc-sazu.si/sites/default/files/sed_notranjik_48_3_4_270_210_net.pdf
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Understanding fertility, work and family through a gender lens: a case study. Anthropological notebooks, 2007, year 13, no. 2, pp. 95-110. (original scientific article) http://dmi.zrc-sazu.si/sites/default/files/anthropological_notebooks_xiii-2_6_0.pdf
CUKUT KRILIĆ, Sanja. Rojstva in samomori v Sloveniji skozi tri desetletja (1971-2001) / Births and suicides in Slovenia throughout three decades (1971-2001). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2006. 118 pp. (scientific monograph) http://dmi.zrc-sazu.si/en/publikacije/rojstva-in-samomori-v-sloveniji-skozi-tri-desetletja-19712001-1#v
Sanja Cukut Krilić, born in 1978 in Ljubljana, obtained her bachelor’s degree in 2001, her master’s degree in 2005 and her PhD in 2008 (all at the Faculty of social sciences, University of Ljubljana). She has collaborated in national and international research project at the Sociomedical Institute ZRC SAZU from 2002, where she is also employed from 2005.