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Karmen Urška Modic

+386 1 4706 450

Research fields:

  • effectiveness and changes in process of psychotherapy, helpful and hindering aspects of psychotherapy, therapeutic working alliance, emotional processing
  • work satisfaction, stress and burnout at the workplace, psychosocial risks
  • recognizing and treating patterns of domestic violence


Research projects:

As leader:

2014 – 2015: Qualitative analysis of clients' experience of helpful aspects in the integrative psychotherapy process

2014 – 2016: Effectiveness and changes in the process of integrative psychotherapy in correlation with the  quality of therapeutic working alliance and emotional processing

As a member of the project team:

2015 – 2016: Recognizing and treating victims of domestic violence in health care settings: Guidelines and training for health professionals

2008 – 2011: Work satisfaction, stress, compassion fatigue and burn out of the work-rehabilitation centres employees and rehabilitation counsellors at the Employment Service of Slovenia: proposed stress management strategies  

2007 – 2010: Student psychological issues 



The Slovenian Association for Integrative Psychotherapy and Transactional Analysis (SINTA)

The Slovenian Umbrella Association for Psychotherapy (SKZP)

MODIC, Karmen Urška, ŽVELC, Gregor. Helpful aspects of the therapeutic relationship in integrative psychotherapy. International journal of integrative psychotherapy, ISSN 2156-9703, 2015, vol. 6, str. 1-25, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 59242594]

FRELIH, Tisa, ČERMAK HAUKO, Nika, MODIC, Karmen Urška, ŽVELC, Gregor. Merske karakteristike vprašalnika za merjenje izida terapije CORE-OM na študentski populaciji = Measurement characteristics of therapy outcome measure CORE-OM in a student population. Kairos, ISSN 1854-9373, 2015, letn. 9, št. 3, str. 65-80,81-96, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 58726754]

ZVER MAKOVEC, Melita, MODIC, Karmen Urška. Žrtve nasilja v družini : izkušnje, pričakovanja in mnenja glede možnih ovir pri obravnavi v okviru zdravstvene dejavnosti = Victims of domestic violence : experiences, expectations and opinions regarding possible obstacles in healthcare treatment. V: HORVAT, Tadeja (ur.), CELEC, Robert (ur.), JAKOB, Sabina (ur.). III. mednarodna znanstvena konferenca Izzivi in težave sodobne družbe, Rakičan, 29. junij do 30. junij 2015. Rakičan: RIS Dvorec, 2015, str. 308-323, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 38896685]

MODIC, Karmen Urška, ŠPRAH, Lilijana. Odzivanje zdravstvenega osebja v primerih nasilja v družini kot ga doživljajo žrtve = Health staff respond in cases of domestic violence as seen from the perspective of victims. V: FILEJ, Bojana (ur.). Zbornik povzetkov = Book of abstracts. Maribor: Alma Mater Europea - ECM, 2016, str. 224. [COBISS.SI-ID 39669805]

MODIC, Karmen Urška. Žrtve nasilja v družini. V: ŠIMENC, Jana (ur.). Prepoznava in obravnava žrtev nasilja v družini : priročnik za zdravstveno osebje. Ljubljana: Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije, 2015, str. 50-55, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 38895661]

MODIC, Karmen Urška, ŠPRAH, Lilijana. Odzivanje zdravstvenega osebja v primerih nasilja v družini kot ga doživljajo žrtve. Pond, ISSN 2463-7866, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 39683373]

MODIC, Karmen Urška. "Pozabljene" žrtve nasilja v družini. Pond, ISSN 2463-7866. pznd. [COBISS.SI-ID 39576109]

MODIC, Karmen Urška. Primer dobre prakse : posttravmatska stresna motnja, disregulacija afekta in mejna osebnostna motnja. Pond, ISSN 2463-7866. pts. [COBISS.SI-ID 39469613]


2012 – ...: PhD Candidate in Applicative Psychological Studies, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Area/field: Clinical psychology / »Effectiveness and Changes in the Process of Integrative Psychotherapy«

2011: Bachelor degree in psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Area/field: Work and organisational psychology / »Work satisfaction, stress and compassion fatigue in the field of work rehabilitation«



2015 – ...: Assistant at the Sociomedical Institute of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU), Ljubljana, Slovenia

2011 – 2013: Apprentice at the University Psychiatric Hospital, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2011: Assistant at a Private psychiatric practice, Ljubljana, Slovenia

1995 – 2004: Procurator and collaborator in administrative-human resources service in the catering business 



2013: Passed the professional exam for working in the public healthcare sector (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia)

2011 – ...: Student of Integrative Psychotherapy for the European Certificate of Psychotherapy

2007 – 2010: Collaborator in the Student counselling office at the Department of Psychology (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana) and research under mentorship

Research areas
Psychology S260
Psychiatry, clinical psychology, psychosomatics B650

domestic violence
mental health
stress and psychosocial risks
Evaluation of psychotherapy outcome