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The aim of the project is to train 10,000 expert workers and leaders in the fields of preschool education, primary school education, primary musical education, vocational and technical education, general secondary education, education of children and youth with special needs, education in student dormitories and adult education. 

Researchers from the Sociomedical Institute provide educational lectures and workshops in the field of domestic violence.

More information about the project can be found on the website of the Slovenian Migration Institute:

Key links

Research Project

vzgoja in izobraževanje
medkulturna vzgoja
človekove pravice
nasilje v družini

Research Fields
Psihologija S260
Psihopatologija B650
Splošne biomedicinske vede B001
Medicina (človek in vretenčarji) B007
Psihiatrija, klinična psihologija, psihosomatika B650