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Hetero and auto- aggressive behaviour in the family


The research included the following tasks: examination of attitudes towards suicidal behaviour; meta-analysis of professional, scientific and statistical data on violence against women in Slovenia within the period 1998-2003; analyses of print media that reported about domestic violence in Slovenia in the period from 1998 to 2003; axperiences and attitudes of adolescents towards domestic violence; domestic violence against women - experiences and attitudes of men and women; violence against women in rural and farm environment. More about the project


Šprah, 2008: Survey of domestic violence among young adolescents in Slovenia (research paper)

Conference abstract: Personality traits and help strategies of women who are victims of domestic violence (Bolko, Šprah, Dernovšek), Violence in clinical psychiatry: proceedings of the 4th European congress on violence in clinical psychiatry, 20 - 21 October 2005, Jugendstiltheater Otto Wagner Spital, Wien, Austria. Amsterdam, 2005, str. 324-329)

Conference paper: Attitudes towards domestic violence and help services among Slovenian adolescents (Šprah, Šoštarič, Dernovšek, Violence in clinical psychiatry: proceedings of the 4th European congress on violence in clinical psychiatry, 20 - 21 October 2005, Jugendstiltheater Otto Wagner Spital, Wien, Austria. Amsterdam, 2005, str. 318-323)

Research Project

nasilje nad ženskami in mladostniki
meta analiza
tiskani mediji
moški in ženske
podeželsko in kmečko okolje

Research Fields
Sociologija S210
Psihologija S260
Psihiatrija, klinična psihologija, psihosomatika B650