Senior Research Associate
+386 1 4706 441
Research interest:
Various sociological sub-disciplines such as sociology of family, connection of sociology and demographic topics (birth rate, aging) and rural sociology. Wide range of research topics includes: social aspects of reproductive behaviour, comparison of different aspects of life among farm, rural and urban populations, gender studies and intergenerational relations, various actors in the food chain (farmers, agricultural extension, consumers, agricultural policy makers).
Other activities:
Member of the Slovenian Sociological Society;
Member of the EAPC (European Association for Population Studies);
Member of the ESRS (European Society for Rural Sociology).
Member of the ISA (International Sociological Association, Research Committee 40: Sociology of Agriculture and Food)
Research projects:
As leader:
2020-2022: Response of farming families to the consequences of accidents at work and occupational diseases
2010-2012: Challenges and needs in knowledge transfer in agricultural practice in Slovenia
2006-2008: Intergenerational and gender relations on families in Slovenia
2006-2007: Needs for Female Immigrants and their Integration in Ageing Societies (FEMAGE)
2003-2005: Hetero and auto- aggressive behaviour in the family
1999-2003: Fertility behaviour of the Slovenian population
As collaborator:
2014-2017: Gendering the Academy and Research: Combating Career Instability and Asymmetries (GARCIA)
2015-2016: Polycentric network of centers and the accessibility of the population to services of general and general economic interest
2011-2013: Developmental strategies of contemporary family farms
2011-2013: The development orientation of farms in Slovenia
2011-2013: Community care of the elderly in communities in Slovenia
2009-2011: Intergenerational solidarity in farm families
2009-2011: Collective memory and cultural dynamics
2008-2010: Electronic standard coding and mapping of services for long-term care (eDESDE-LTC)
2004-2007: The social background of low fertility among university educated in Slovenia
2004-2006: The human factor in the military system
2003: Violence against women or how to achieve zero tolerance
2001-2004: Fertility and suicide behavior in Slovenia: the multidisciplinary aspects
2000-2002: Analysis of risk factors for teenage pregnancy in Slovenia in the last thirty years
Černič Istenič, Majda, Chrysanthi Charatsari. 2016. Women farmers and agricultural extension/education in Slovenia and Greece. In: Shortal Sally (eds.) and Bock Bettina Barbara (eds.) Gender and rural globalisation: International perspectives on gender and rural development. Wallingford: CAB International Publishing (In print).
Glavan, Matjaž, Černič Istenič, Majda, Cvejić, Rozalija, Pintar, Marina. 2016. Glavan, Matjaž, Černič Istenič, Majda, Cvejić, Rozalija, Pintar, Marina. Urban gardening: from cost avoidance to profit making - example from Ljubljana, Slovenia. In: Samer, Mohamed (eds.). Urban agriculture. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, cop. 2016, pp. 23-42.
Chrysanthi Charatsari, Černič Istenič, Majda. 2016 Gender, farming and rural social research: A relationship in flux. In: Shucksmith, Mark (eds.) and Brown, David (eds.). Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies. Routledge. pp. 389-399.
Černič Istenič, Majda. 2015. Do rural development programmes promote gender equality on farms? The case of Slovenia. Gender, Place and Culture 22 (5): 670-684.
Nastran, Mojca, Černič Istenič, Majda. 2015. Who is for or against the park? Factors influencing the public's perception of a regional park: a Slovenian case study. Human ecology review 21(2) 93-111.
Černič Istenič, Majda, Glavan, Matjaž, Pintar, Marina. 2015. Motivation and environmental behaviour of plot gardeners - the case of Ljubljana. New challenges in agronomy 2015 : proceedings of symposium, [Laško, 2015] pp. 301-307.
Knežević Hočevar, Duška, Černič Istenič, Majda. 2014. In pursuit of knowledge-based Slovenia: is knowledge transfer to agriculture stuck in faculties? Anthropological notebooks 20 (3):103-120.
Filipovič Hrast, Maša, Hlebec, Valentina, Knežević Hočevar, Duška, Černič Istenič, Majda, Kavčič, Matic, Jelenc-Krašovec, Sabina Kump, Sonja, Mali, Jana. 2014. Oskrba starejših v skupnosti: dejavnosti, akterji in predstave (Care for the elderly in the community: activities, actors and conceptions). Ljubljana : Fakulteta za družbene vede. ISBN 978-961-235-686-6.Černič Istenič, Majda, Knežević Hočevar, Duška. 2013. Intergenerational assistance on family farms in Slovenia : expectations and practices. Eastern European Countryside (19): 77-103. (available here and here)
Charatsari Chrysanthi, Černič Istenič Majda and Lioutas Evagelos D. 2013. “I'd like to participate, but . . .”:women farmers' scepticism towards agricultural extension/education programmes, Development in Practice 23 (4):511-525.
Černič Istenič, Majda. 2013. Medgeneracijska solidarnost skozi prizmo organiziranosti oskrbe za starejše v skupnosti (Intergenerational solidarity through the prism of the organization of care for the elderly in the community). Socialno delo, 2013, 52 (1): 43-56.
Černič Istenič, Majda, Knežević Hočevar, Duška, Duška. 2013. Ovire pri prenosu znanja iz akademske sfere v kmetijsko prakso v Sloveniji (Barriers to the transfer of knowledge from academia to agricultural practices in Slovenia). In: Čeh, Barbara (eds.), Dolničar, Peter (eds.), Mihelič, Rok (eds.). Novi izzivi v agronomiji 2013: zbornik simpozija, Zreče, (proceedings of symposium), Zreče, 2013. Ljubljana: Slovensko agronomsko društvo, pp. 339-345.
Černič Istenič, Majda. 2011. Medijska podoba kmetijstva in kmeta v Sloveniji (The media image of agriculture and farmers in Slovenia). In: Petrović, T. (eds.) Politike reprezentacije v Jugovzhodni Evropi na prelomu stoletij, Kulturni spomin (Politics of representation in South Eastern Europe at the turn of the centuries. Cultural Memory). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. pp. 76-99.
Knežević Hočevar, Duška, Černič Istenič, Majda. 2010. Delo in dom na kmetijah: raziskava odnosov med generacijami in spoloma (Home and Work on Farms: The Study of Generations and Gender Relationships). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
Černič Istenič, Majda. 2010. Studying fertility behaviour of farm population as a contribution to understanding overall low fertility trends: the case of Slovenia. V: Bonanno, Alessandro (ur.), Bakker, Hans (ur.), Jussaume, Raymond Adelard (ur.), Kawamura, Yoshio (ur.), Shucksmith, Mark (ur.). From community to consumption : New and classical themes in rural sociological research, (Research in Rural Sociology and develiopment, Vol. 16). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 77-91.
Knežević Hočevar, Duška, Cukut, Sanja, Černič Istenič, Majda. 2009. Intercultural dialogue between lip service and practice. Dve domovini, 30: 29–49.
Černič Istenič, Majda. 2007. Attitudes towards gender roles and gender role behaviour among urban, rural, and farm populations in Slovenia. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 37(3): 477- 496.
Černič Istenič, Majda. 2007. Understandings of responsible parenthood among university educated: 'listening our conscience is a very demanding vocation'. Anthropological notebooks, 13( 2): 127-144.
Ph.D. in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University Ljubljana, 1994.
M. Sc. In Sociology of Culture, Faculty of Arts, University Ljubljana, 1990.
B. Sc. in Analytical Sociology: ex-Faculty of Sociology, Political Sciences, and Journalism (now Faculty of Social Sciences), Univ. of Ljubljana, 1984.
1997–now: the Sociomedical Institute ZRC SAZU (ex-Institute of Medical Sciences), Ljubljana (20%).
1999–now, Biotechnical Faculty, University Ljubljana (80%).
1991–1997: Faculty of Social Sciences, University Ljubljana.
1984-1991: Institute of Sociology and Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana.