Electronic standard coding and mapping of services for long-term care
Original Title
Electronic standard coding and mapping of services for long-term care
Project Team
Lilijana Šprah, PhD, Duška Knežević Hočevar, PhD, Majda Černič Istenič, PhD, Tatjana Novak-
1 July 2008–31 January 2011 -
Lead Partner
PSICOST Research Association (PSICOST), Spain
Project Leader
Financial Source
Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) / Izvršna agencija za zdravje in potrošnike
Public Health Association - PHA (Bulgaria), Educational and Research Institute Ljubljana - IRI Ljubljana (Slovenia), University of Vienna - UWIEN (Austria), SINTEF Technology and Society, Norway, London School of Economics and Political Science - LSE (United Kingdom), Obra Social Caixa Catalunya - OSCC (Spain)
Within the framework of the e-HEALTH project the eDESDE-LTC instrument for the classification, mapping and coding of long-term services in Europe has been developed. The eDESDE-LTC instrument enables an inventory of availability and utilization of different types of long-term care services in the adult population. It is available in English, Spanish, German, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Norwegian language.