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Tatjana Novak

Research Assistant

+386 1 4706 445

My research interests cover:

  • neuropsychological assessment of cognitive and emotional deficits in persons affected by mood disorders
  • possibilities of cognitive remediation in persons with mood disorders
  • evaluation of  effectiveness of evidence-based psychosocial interventions in psychosocial outcomes in mood disorders
  • comprehensive risk assessment of  work-related and contextual factors contributing to stress at workplace and its adverse outcomes (burnout, employee turnoover, absenteeism, presenteeism) in different work settings


Participation in research projects:

2010-2012: A Support Programme for Employers and Employees for Reducing Work-related Stress and Its Adverse Effects (SPEE-S).

2011-2012: Living with affective disorder: An educational programme of recognition and management of bipolar and depressive disorder.

2008:  Development of quality and availability of prevention  mental health care services at the primary level.

2008–2010: Electronic standard coding and mapping of services for long-term care (eDESDE-LTC).

2007-2009: An evaluation of psychoeducational and pharmacotherapy effects on patients with bipolar affective disorder.

2010: Award for promising young scientists in Alps-Adriatic region

Novak, Tatjana, Šprah, Lilijana, Fridl, Jerneja. Assessment of well-being indicators at the regional level in Slovenia. In: Mulej, Matjaž et al. (eds.), 1st Chance4change International Conference, Overcoming and preventing stress in the individual & quality of life, well-being in urban areas : conference proceedings, Maribor: Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility (IRDO): Maribor Development Agency (MRA), 2012, pp. 1-7.

Sedlar, Nataša, Novak, Tatjana, Šprah, Lilijana. Development of a risk assessment tool for adverse outcomes of occupational stress. In: SESÉ, Albert (ed.). 33rd International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, 2-4th July 2012, Palma de Mallorca. Book of abstracts. [Palma de Mallorca]: Gráficas Santa Ponsa, 2012, p. 148.

Novak, Tatjana, Šprah, Lilijana, Tavčar, Rok, Dernovšek, Mojca Zvezdana. The impact of mood stabilisers on the emotionally modulated response inhibition in euthymic bipolar patients. European Neuropsychopharmacology. Sep. 2011, vol. 21, suppl. 3, p. S421-S422.

Novak, Tatjana, Šprah, Lilijana, Dernovšek, Mojca Zvezdana. P01-201-Polarity of most recent affective episode and other clinical factors in relation to quality of life in remitted bipolar patients. European Psychiatry. 2011, vol. 26, supl. 1, p. 202.

Novak, Tatjana, Šprah, Lilijana. Assessment of emotional processing biases in cognitive control performance. Studia Psychologica, 2011, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 137-150.

Novak, Tatjana, Šprah, Lilijana. The psychoeducational impact on cognitive inhibition among euthymic bipolar patients. Review of Psychology, 2010, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 105-109.

Academic Background:

2009-...: PhD study in Cognitive Psychology, Department of  Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of  Ljubljana

2007: BSc in Psychology, Department of  Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of  Ljubljana


2010-...: Research Assistant, Sociomedical Institute ZRC SAZU

2007-2010: External worker at Sociomedical Institute ZRC SAZU

2009: School counsellor, Elementary School, Zagorje ob Savi

Other skills:

2009-2011: training in cognitive behavioural therapies

2009- ...: leader of group psychoeducational workshops for bipolar disorder

Research areas
Psychology S260

Cognitive psychology
mental health