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Mateja Slovenc Grasselli

+386 1 470 64 50


Mateja Slovenc is active in the field of agricultural anthropology. She is interested in strategies of family farms that she explores through farm succession, collective culture, and distress among farmers. She dedicates special attention to young farmers and their families.

Research projects:

2019 Literacy about mood disorders and personality disorders

2018–2019 With raised mental health literacy to better managing of mood disorders (acr. OMRA) 

2018–2020 Promoting the development of sustainable practices in agriculture by introducing aquaponics (acr. BLUEGRASS) (Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia programme 2014-2020)

2018 Western Balkans Urban Agriculture Initiative (acr. BUGI) (program Erasmus+)

2014 Commercial exhibitions: Commercial exhibitions (acr. KORA) (Creative path to practical knowledge programme)


Second prize of National Youth Council of Slovenia for the best master’s thesis in the field of youth.

SLOVENC, Mateja. Can a "good farmer" and a "bad farmer" cooperate?: An examination of conventional and organic farmersʹ perceptions of production and environmental protection. In: LUKŠIČ, Andrej (eds.), TKALEC, Tomislav (eds.). Intertwining of diverse minds in(to) political ecology. Scientific texts of doctoral students participating in the Summer School of Political Ecology. Ljubljana: Inštitut Časopis za kritiko znanosti, 2019, pp. 111-129.

BLAZINŠEK, Tajda, KOŠIR, Rok, NEMEC, Urška, SLOVENC, Mateja. 2017a. Huda dediščine Hude Jame. In: KOLAR OSVALD, Darinka (eds.) and PETRUŠA ŠTRUKELJ, Elizabeta (eds.). Etika v muzejih, ravnanje z ostanki živih organizmov: Zbornik prispevkov. Radovljica, Ljubljana, Slovensko muzejsko društvo: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija, Muzej slovenske policije, pp. 67–71.

BLAZINŠEK, Tajda, KOŠIR, Rok, NEMEC, Urška, SLOVENC, Mateja. 2017b. Uncovering the horrific heritage of the Huda jama mine: Student project. In: HUDALES, Jože (eds.) and ROŽENBERGAR, Tanja (eds.). Collecting and Collections in Times of War or Political and Social Change: COMCOL Annual Conference, Celje 2014. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo, pp. 134–137.

PITA COSTA, Dijana, PODVINŠEK, Lilijana, SLOVENC, Mateja, ŠKRINJAR, Maša. 2017. Kaj nam raziskava o občinstvu pove o značilnostih in navadah obiskovalcev razstave Možgani – zgodba od znotraj? Argo 60 (1): 48–55.

SLOVENC, Mateja. 2017. "Kdor je šel s časom, lahko živi": Čezmejni kmetijski nakupi v času Jugoslavije. Zgodovina za vse 24 (1): 72–84.

PITA COSTA, Dijana, SLOVENC, Mateja. 2016. Kako razumeti in inovirati komercialne razstave. Argo 59 (1): 36–45.


2017 Master of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology; Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

MA thesis: "The Strategies of Family Farms in Slovenia: Sustainable Development, Generations and Gender"

2016 – Bachelor of Science in Agronomy (UN); Department of Agronomy, Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana

BA thesis: "Double of peach (Prunus persica L.), sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) and plum (Prunus domestica L.)"

2012 – Bachelor of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (UN); Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

BA thesis: "Memories behind the barbed wire"


2018 young researcher; Sociomedical Institute, The Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

2018 researcher; Centre for Agrometeorology, Agricultural Land Management, and Economics and Rural Development, Department of Agronomy, Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana

2017 promotion and development of Tutelage at University of Ljubljana; University of Ljubljana Career Centres

Research areas
Cultural anthropology, ethnology S220

intergenerational relations
family farming
farmer distress
collective identity processes
agricultural anthropology