Od seznanjenosti s težavami v duševnem zdravju do učinkovitega odzivanja z manj stigme
Od seznanjenosti s težavami v duševnem zdravju do učinkovitega odzivanja z manj stigme. Zdaj je čas, da znanje prenesemo v prakso!. From Mental Health Awareness To Effective Responses With Less Stigma. Now is the time to put knowledge into practice!.
Edited by:
Lilijana Šprah
This multi-authored monograph of review articles and original research papers is part of the innovative prevention and promotion programme, Increasing Mental Health Literacy to Manage Mood Disorders (acronym OMRA). The OMRA practitioners have contributed 16 research papers in the fields of mental health, personality disorders, the stigma of mental disorders, and evaluating the impact of the OMRA programme. Three papers were written by external authors based on their own knowledge and experience in the field of mental health.
The authors of the publication are aware that health is not only the absence of disease, but also physical and mental well-being. This does not mean constant elation and happiness, but a state in which a person can cope well with the challenges of everyday life. In contrast to physical illnesses such as diabetes, mental health is much harder to define, which is why this book also aims to raise awareness of the importance of mental health among readers. Everyone will find something interesting and informative in this book and will be able to put this knowledge into practice.
Table of content
STARA IN NOVA KLASIFIKACIJA OSEBNOSTNIH MOTENJ – POMEN ZA KLINIČNO DELO / Old and new classification of personality disorders – significance for clinical work Mojca Zvezdana Dernovšek
KRATEK PREGLED PSIHODINAMSKEGA POGLEDA NA OSEBNOSTNE MOTNJE / A brief overview of the psychodynamic view of personality disorders Anela Klemenc Bešo
OSEBNOSTNE MOTNJE IN KOMORBIDNOST / Personality disorders and comorbidity Mojca Zvezdana Dernovšek
UČINKOVITOST PSIHOTERAPIJE PRI OBRAVNAVI OSEBNOSTNIH MOTENJ / Effectiveness of psychotherapy in the treatment of personality disorders Luka Agrež
PSIHOANALITIČNO DELO Z METAFORO PRI OBSESIVNO KOMPULZIVNI MOTNJI / Psychoanalytic work with metaphor in obsessive-compulsive disorder Urška Battelino
DRUŽBENI MEDIJI IN NARCIZEM: PRODUKTIVNI KAOS ZNANOSTI V NASTAJANJU / Social media and narcissism: productive chaos of science in the making Jernej Kaluža
VPLIV PSIHOEDUKACIJSKIH DELAVNIC »ČUSTVENI VRTILJAK ODNOSOV: PREPOZNAJMO OSEBNOSTNE MOTNJE MED NAMI« NA RAVEN PISMENOSTI O OSEBNOSTNIH MOTNJAH / The impact of the psychoeducational workshops "Emotional carousel of relationships: let's recognize personality disorders among us" on the level of literacy about personality disorders Lilijana Šprah
EVALVACIJA UČINKA SPLETNIH DELAVNIC »STRES POVZROČA STISKE, OKREPITE SVOJE MOČI!« NA RAVEN PISMENOSTI O MOTNJAH RAZPOLOŽENJA / Evaluating the impact of online workshops »Stress Worries, Strengthen Your Strengths!« on the level of mood disorders literacy Lilijana Šprah
POVEZANOST STEREOTIPOV, PREDSODKOV IN DISKRIMINATORNEGA VEDENJA Z IZBRANIMI SOCIODEMOGRAFSKIMI SPREMENLJIVKAMI V SKUPINI UDELEŽENCEV IN UDELEŽENK OMRA DELAVNIC / The association of stereotypes, prejudice, and discriminatory behavior with selected sociodemographic variables in the group of OMRA workshop participants Lilijana Šprah
SPOROČILA UDELEŽENCEV IN UDELEŽENK OMRA DELAVNIC O MOTNJAH RAZPOLOŽENJA, OSEBNOSTNIH MOTNJAH IN STIGMI / Messages of attendees of OMRA workshops on mood disorders, personality disorders and stigma Sanja Cukut Krilić
MEJNA OSEBNOSTNA MOTNJA IN STIGMA: ALI SMO RES SAMI ODGOVORNI ZA (SAMO)STIGMO? / Borderline personality disorder and stigma: are we really responsible for self-stigma? Dino Manzoni
STIGMA IN OVIRE PRI ISKANJU POMOČI MED BEGUNCI IN BEGUNKAMI / Stigma and barriers to help seeking among refugees Sanja Cukut Krilić
DEMENCA IN STIGMA / Dementia and stigma Lucija Grkman, Nina Mavrič, Barbara Lovrečič, Mercedes Lovrečič
PODEŽELSKI ZDRAVNIKI ŠIRŠE O TRPLJENJU LJUDI, KI KMETUJEJO / Medical reflections on the suffering of farmers beyond the symptoms Duška Knežević Hočevar
OCENA POTREB: IZKUŠNJE PACIENTOV Z OBRAVNAVO V CENTRU ZA DUŠEVNO ZDRAVJE ODRASLIH / Needs assessment: Patient reported experience measures within adult Mental Health Centre Irena Makivić
DUŠEVNE TEŽAVE IN FILOZOFIJA / Mental problems and philosophy Barbara Vogrinec Švigelj
PORTRET OSEB S TEŽAVAMI V DUŠEVNEM ZDRAVJU V FILMIH IN NJIHOV UČINEK NA ZAZNAVO ŠIRŠE JAVNOSTI / The portrayal of people with mental health problems in films and its impact on public perception Oreški Suzana
POVEZANOST TEŽAV V DUŠEVNEM ZDRAVJU IN PANDEMIJE COVID-19 / The connection between mental health problems and the COVID-19 pandemic Anja Ibrčič, Lilijana Šprah