“Good luck with your research, I hope you find what you’re looking for:” Lessons learned from Iowa farmers
13. junij 2023 ob 11:00 do 13. junij 2023 ob 13:00
Dvorani štirih letnih časov ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4, 2. nadstropje
Raziskovalke temeljnega raziskovalnega projekta Spremembe v kmetijstvu skozi oči in telesa kmetov (ARRS J6-2577) in bilateralnega znanstveno-raziskovalnega sodelovanja z ZDA Upravljanje z družbenimi pritiski in osebnimi stiskami na družinskih kmetijah (ARRS BI-US/22-24-134) vas vljudno vabimo na javno predavanje
dr. Brandi Janssen (University of Iowa) “Good luck with your research, I hope you find what you’re looking for:” Lessons learned from Iowa farmers
Predavanje v angleškem jeziku bo v torek, 13. 6. ob 11. uri, v Dvorani štirih letnih časov ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4, 2. nadstropje, v Ljubljani.
“Good luck with your research, I hope you find what you’re looking for:” Lessons learned from Iowa farmers
Research in US agriculture often use agronomic or economic approaches that examine environmental impacts, yields, or profitability. Further, these approaches often position farmers as “rational actors” whose behaviors are driven by purely financial or production factors. There has been less attention to the social and cultural beliefs and behaviors that also underpin agricultural practices. This presentation reflects on more than 15 years doing ethnographic research among farming communities in the US state of Iowa. Here I share how different types of farmers interact with each other and with other types of farming practices, how policy and family relationships affect farming decisions, and how farmers engage with federally funded research.
Brandi Janssen, is a clinical associate professor in the department of Occupational and Environmental Health and directs Iowa’s Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (I-CASH) at the University of Iowa. As director of I-CASH, she oversees a statewide network of public and private partners dedicated to reducing injuries and fatalities on Iowa farms. Trained as a cultural anthropologist, her scholarly research considers the production and marketing strategies of direct market farmers in Iowa. She is author of the book Making Local Food Work: The Challenges and Opportunities of Today’s Small Farmers.