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Tjaš Debljak

Research Assistant

Research projects:

As collaborator:

  • 2020 - With raised mental health literacy to better managing of mood disorders (acr. OMRA)



DEBELJAK, Tjaš, VARDIČ, Tina. 2019. Konceptualizacija primera in načrtovanje terapije. In: ŽVELC, Gregor (ed.). Terapija sprejemanja in predanosti: čuječnost in psihološka fleksibilnost v psihoterapiji. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, pp. 91-102.

DEBELJAK, Tjaš. 2015. Od volka do vola: kratek pregled klinične likantropije. Panika 18, (1): 21-25.

Literacy about mood disorders and personality disorders (research programme • March 1, 2020 - November 4, 2022)


Since 2020 he's been studying cognitive behavioural therapy at the Slovenian Association of Behaviour and Cognitive Therapies.

2019 – Master of Psychology; Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.

MA thesis: "How Video Game Play Relates to Anxiety and Depression".

2016 – Bachelor of Psychology (UN); Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.


2020- : Research Assistant; Sociomedical Institute, The Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana.

Research areas
Psychiatry, clinical psychology, psychosomatics B650

• mental health • mood disorders • personality disorders