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Mainstreaming Vocational Guidance for Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants

  • Original Title

    Mainstreaming Vocational Guidance for Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants

  • Project ID


  • Duration

    1 October 2003–30 September 2006
  • Lead Partner

    University of Glasgow, UK

  • Project Leader

    dr. Pamela M. Clayton

  • Financial Source

    Evropska komisija
  • Partners

    Careers Scotland, UK-Glasgow, Spiritan Asylum Services Initiative (SPIRASI) IRL-Dublin, Centro Documentazione Ricerche per la Lombardia (CDRL) I-Milan, Peter Plant DK-Hundested, Aarhus tekniske Skole (AtS) DK-Århus, Dansk Flygtningehjælp (Danish Refugee Council) DK-Copenhagen, Gesellschaft für Arbeit, Technik und Entwicklung Gmbh (GATE) D-Hamburg, Institute for Ethnic Studies (IES) SI-Ljubljana, RETAS Education Action International UK-London, UK-Glasgow North Ltd, UK-Scottish Enterprise Glasgow

This project will benefit those who work with refugees and migrants to assist them into education and/or employment in two ways: first, it will provide a website containing information and links to other sites on a wide range of topics; second, it will devise and pilot an online training course.

Research Project

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