Joint Action “Mental health and well-being”
Original Title
Joint Action “Mental health and well-being”
Project Team
Lilijana Šprah, PhD-
1 February 2013–30 March 2016 -
Lead Partner
FCML/UNL (Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Portugal
Project Leader
José Miguel Caldas de Almeida
Financial Source
Ministrstvo za zdravje RS
NVD (Nacionālais veselības dienests), Latvia; , UoL (University of Leipzig), Germany;, ERSI (Eesti-Rootsi Vaimse Tervise ja Suitsidoloogia Instituut), Estonia; , DOHI (Directorate of Health in Iceland), Island; , SoS (The National Board of Health and welfare), Sweden;, KCL (King’s College London), Great Britain;, SE (Scottish Executive), Great Britain;, NIPH (The Norwegian Institute of Public Health), Norway; , MHEC (Ministry of Health, Elderly & Community Care), Malta; , HSE (Health Services Executive), Ireland;, TRIMBOS INSTITUUT (Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction), Nethe…, MSSSI (Ministry of Health, Social Services, and Equality), Spain;, SK_MoH (Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic), Slovakia;, SST (National Board of Health), Denmark;, MZRH (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia), Croatia; , NCPHA (National Center of Public Health and Analyses), Bolgaria;, RSMZ (Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Health), Slovenia;, AOUI VR (Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Verona), Italy;, SUB (Semmelweis University Budapest), Hungary;, THL (National Institute for Health and Welfare), Finland;, MS-DGS (Ministry of Health - Health Directorate General), Portugal;, BKK (Bundesverband (Federal Association / Company Health Insurance Fund), Germa…, FIOH (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health), Finland;, EUROGIP, France; , PTE (Pécsi Tudományegyetem), Hungary;, TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research), Netherlands; , HIIS (Health Insurance institute of Slovenia), Slovenia;, AUSL-BO (Azienda USL Bologna), Italy.
The main objective of this joint action is to contribute to the promotion of mental health and well-being, the prevention of mental disorders and the improvement of care and social inclusion of people with mental disorders in Europe. This objective will be attained by establishing a process for structured collaborative work on mental health and well-being involving Member States, stakeholders in the health and other relevant sectors, and international organizations, in particular the WHO and the OECD, leading to the development of a common endorsed framework for action addressing issues related to a) promotion of mental health at the workplaces and schools; b) promoting action against depression and suicide; c) developing community mental health care; and (f) promoting the integration of mental health in all policies.