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Psychological and reproductive disturbances in men exposed to prenatal stress

  • Original Title

    Psychological and reproductive disturbances in men exposed to prenatal stress

  • Project Team

    Lilijana Šprah, PhD, Urška Smrke
  • Project ID


  • Duration

    1 July 2014–30 June 2017
  • Lead Partner

    University Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Medical Centre …

  • Project Leader

    Branko Zorn

  • Financial Source


  • Partners

    University of Ljubljana, Medical faculty, Sociomedical institute ZRC SAZU, University of Ljubljana, Veterinary faculty

Studies have shown that prenatal stress has profound effects on fetal development and could have long lasting consequences for health. Most often reported defects in adult life are increased risk for cardiovascular disease, obesity and permanent changes in brain neurotransmitter system, what could cause increased vulnerability for mental disorders such as mood disorders (depression, anxiety), schizophrenia, increased abuse of psychoactive substances, behavioural disorders and sleep disturbances. Our study will be the first study to show clearly if there is a connection between different forms of prenatal stress and male reproductive function in adulthood. Moreover, this will be one of very rare studies where a psychological profile of participants will be designed in order to identify a possible association between prenatal stress and vulnerability towards mood disorders and aggressive behavioural patterns.


Oral presentation with the title "Vulnerability for mood disorders and aggressive behaviour in offspring of mothers exposed to the ten-day war" (U. Smrke in L. Šprah) at the 37th STAR conference. Zagreb, 6. - 8. July 2016.

Research Project

spolno obnašanje
motnje razpoloženja

Research Fields
Psihologija S260
Psihopatologija B650
Splošne biomedicinske vede B001
Hormoni B 370 in B480
Endokrinologija B480
Porodništvo, ginekologija, andrologija, reprodukcija, spolnost B570